Fair Credit Reporting Act
Fair Credit Reporting Act
We may report information about your credit union share account(s) and loan account(s) to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report.
Our credit decision may be based in whole or in part on information in a report from the consumer reporting agencies listed below. You have a right under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to know the information contained in your credit file at the consumer reporting agency. Credit Reporting agencies provide information however these agencies are not involved in our decision process and therefore they are unable to supply specific reasons why we have denied you credit.
Equifax / CSC
Office: 214-445-5436
652 North Belt Ste. 133
Box 674402
Houston, TX 77267-4402
Experian (T R W)
Office: 1-800-831-5614
P O Box 2106
Allen, TX 75002
Trans Union
Office: 972-831-0914
Office: 1-800-888-4213
Consumer Relations Office
P O Box 390
Springfield, PA 19064
Contact number and addressees for these credit bureaus are subject to change at their discretion.